Do you suffer from a physical or mental disability that prevents you from working to support yourself? If so, you may qualify for social security disability benefits. These benefits can help you to meet your monthly financial obligations. However, before you rush down to your local office to file an application, there are a few things facts that you should know.
The Social Security Administration Offers Two Types of Disability Payments
Divorce is an expensive affair. It is not just about the legal fees either; there are so many ways in which divorce may cost you even if your divorce lawyer charges you nominal fees. Here are some of the expenses you should suspect.
Apart from asset division, you also have to share the responsibility of your marital debts while divorcing. You may end up shouldering a lot of debts that your partner incurred while you were still living together.
Some people stay in unhappy relationships because they know they may have to pay child support if they leave their spouse. If you are in a miserable relationship, there is a good chance that your child feels the unhappiness in your relationship and that is not healthy for them. Learn the basics of how child support really works in the guide below so that you can make an informed decision about whether you want to stay or leave an unhappy relationship.
When deciding to file bankruptcy, you might feel overwhelmed by your various options. While many people think Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which eliminates debts, is their best option, it's critical to also look into Chapter 13 bankruptcy as a potentially wise alternative. Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves "reorganizing" your debt and creating a manageable payment plan that typically lasts for five years. Here are a few times when it may make good financial sense to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy:
If your marriage is headed for divorce, this can be a trying time. The challenges of living life alone and the abrupt changes in your financial status may create a great deal of stress for you. It's ideal to choose the fastest way to come to an agreement as the marriage is ending, rather than going through a heated court battle. One way to accomplish this goal is by mediating your divorce case.