Confronted By The Police? 4 Things You Shouldn'T Say

It can be terrifying to be pulled over, confronted and also questioned by authorities. However, the situation can sometimes be a bit less frightening if you are aware of a few things that you shouldn't say while in the presence of police:

Anything at All

As a general rule, you are not under any obligation to provide answers to questions asked by police. You have the right to remain silent, especially if you have been arrested and read your Miranda rights. You do want to cooperate if you've been pulled over by an officer by providing the necessary information, such as your ID, insurance, etc. You also want to remain calm and be polite. However, you can still refuse to answer any questions they ask if you do not want to answer them.

Yes to Searches

When you are pulled over, the officer may want to search your vehicle. Usually, authorities need reasonable suspicion, probable cause or a proper warrant in order to search your property, including your person. However, if they ask you if they can search your vehicle and you give them permission, they can do so without any of the aforementioned. If they search your vehicle and you have not given them consent and they do not have probable cause, suspicion, or a warrant, then any evidence that they may find in their search may be able to be suppressed in a court of law.

Only Had "X" Amount of Drinks

Many people seem to think that when they have been pulled over after they have been drinking that they are better off telling the officer that they only had a couple of beers or glasses of wine. After all, this amount of alcohol usually isn't enough to make someone reach and exceed the 0.08 BAC legal limit. However, by admitting you drank anything at all, the officer has the right to take you in and interrogate you. This can lead to a world of mess on your part if there is anything for the police to potentially uncover.

A Lie of Any Sort

While you shouldn't admit to only have a couple of beers, you shouldn't outright lie to the police. If you make a false statement and authorities find out, it can potentially lead to you being charged with obstruction of justice, which is most often a felony crime and can lead to significant time behind bars.

Ultimately, when you're dealing with police, your best bet is to simply remain calm, be polite, and stay silent. If you want to provide information to the police, make sure to contact an attorney first so that he or she can be present. Check it out here.   
